I love online coaching sessions because along with intuitive reading and therapeutic counseling, I also get to offer remote energetic healing. I also love collaborating with people in-person! There's so much magic in the power of touch.
On its own, acupuncture is a vital medicine that harnesses the body’s healing wisdom to restore systems to balance. Beyond needles, complementary hands-on approaches like reiki, cranial sacral therapy and therapeutic body work are all close to my heart and deeply restorative. For all the essential workers and those sheltering in place for the good of the whole, I want to offer resources for your ongoing holistic self-care. Beyond the basics of work, mindfulness, time in nature, meditation, breaks, body-scanning, daily exercise, rest, journaling, little pleasures, healthy and delicious eating, creative expression - making of any kind, building, cooking, exploring, wandering, and on, may I recommend acupuncture at home - without the needles! Instinctively, when we feel discomfort in the body, we generally try to move or massage the area - there's an inner impulse to remove constriction and increase circulation. We are heeding the body's call. So. Let's.
No doubt, you’ve heard of Acupressure and its ability to help heal the body/mind. Maybe you weren’t sure what points to press and for how long or how often. Perhaps you palpated a few points recommended by an acupuncturist or massage therapist a while back and then forgot about them as those particular symptoms abated. The great news is that acupressure is free, it feels good to do, and is easy to practice - on yourself and loved ones. To get started, I’d recommend getting familiar with a few points. One of the best ways to learn about acupuncture aka acupressure points is through reading books and articles specific to your condition. If you are struggling primarily with muscle pains and knots, a book about self healing through trigger point therapy like The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook may be right up your alley - along with a deep-tissue self-massage tool for those hard to reach places. There are also a number of e-stim pens that take acupressure digital touch to the next level. If you’re looking to address internal conditions for the whole family, Acupressure's Potent Points: A Guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments by Michael Reed Gach comes highly recommended. If emotional care is more your speed, Acupressure for Emotional Healing: A Self-Care Guide for Trauma, Stress, & Common Emotional Imbalances by the same author might just, err, hit the spot. Personally, I've loved listening to the podcast Press this Point by esteemed colleague and dear friend, Sara Calabro. Sara is an acupuncturist and writer based in Los Angeles. Along with Press this Point, Sara is the sole founder of the incredibly resourceful Chinese Medicine blog AcuTake. I especially enjoy listening to Press this Point because each bite-sized episode features a single acupuncture point, it’s location, the conditions treated, and how to palpate the point for immediate relief and longer-term well-being. Sara also offers an e-book for parents supporting their little ones under the same name Press this Point. I hope this small handful of hands-on home remedies provides you with a bit of uplift and ease during this multo-bizarro time.
As always, any questions or to schedule a remote intuitive healing session, please text or call +1.917.519.2432 or find me on email at britta@intuitivehealthhealing.com. You may also find answers to your Q’s on Intuitive Health & Healings FAQs page
Sending you all the love. I hope to provide you with acupuncture and hands-on healing again real soon! But not too soon!