“The three months of summer are called luxuriant flowering. The Qi of Heaven and Earth mingle. The ten thousand things bloom and bear fruit. At dark to bed, early to rise.
Do not tire of the sun. Keep that which is of the heart-mind from anger. Allow the finest things to flower fully. Allow the Qi to leak (sweat). Act as though you love the outside. This is the summer compliance of Qi (and) the cultivation of the Tao of lengthening.” —Nei Jing
Compared to the ascending, buoyant energies of spring, the summer months of June, July, and August are a bit more languid. Time slows, the world is embraced by sunlight, everything is a whole lot brighter. It’s a season many of us have been looking forward to all year: it's a time of bounty.
In Chinese Medicine, summer is the season when Yang Qi climaxes and creative forces are at their peak. The apex of summer falls on the solstice on June 21st. By following the traditional prescriptions laid down by people deeply in-tune with nature, we are more likely to find harmony during these sweet summer months. The more aligned we are, the more we can reap the bounty of the natural world (and our place within it), and enjoy this expansive season of dynamism, passion and joy.
Of the five elements, Summer belongs to Fire. In Chinese Medicine, fire represents combustion and is the most yang of the elements. With its radiant, dispersing energy, fire brings heat, light and vitality. Consider a bonfire sparking with dance; flames climbing to the sky. Summer is a season of vigorous movement - a time for release, creativity, and renewal. Under the element of fire, summer is inveterately linked with the organs of the heart, small intestine, pericardium (heart protector) and triple burner.
The heart is considered the monarch of the body, ruling over all the other organ systems and the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. The Heart is in charge of and controls the blood, the vessels, and the blood circulating in the vessels. The heart houses the Shen or spiritual essence of the person/Consciousness. In the West, we identify the locus of perception in the brain. In Chinese Medicine, the heart is at the center of Consciousness itself. Have you ever dropped your awareness into the heart center and sensed there an infinite eternal beingness? That’s you - the truth of who you are anyway.
For presence sake, let’s take a few moments now to soften the gaze, turn inwards, relax the mind and bring our awareness into the heart. Notice the warmth, the pulse and vibrance of this majestic center. Is there spaciousness? Is there tension? Can you breathe through the chest wall and relax even more? Allow yourself to linger here. Notice what you notice. During heart meditations, I’m often reminded of sunbathing - resting quietly in a light that emanates from within.
“May the long time sun shine upon you all love surround you, and the pure light within you guide your way on.” — Snatam Kaur
In this season of Heart and Fire, summer beckons us to move and bask in the warm rays of the sun. It’s the perfect time to get our hearts thumping and the blood circulating. The weather is hot and inviting. In the early mornings, it’s easy to pop outdoors to exercise, swim, hike and gather. The body’s Qi peaks in summer, so we may notice more energy for exercise and to accomplish goals laid out in winter.
Happily and not surprisingly, the heart season is linked with the emotion of joy. In summer, the Shen naturally expresses outward, the spirit plays and the body becomes more supple. When the fire element is in balance, we experience jubilance, a clear mind and the body weaves between activity and rest, effort and ease. A wonderful way to nourish the heart and Shen is to smile and laugh. Not just from clever haha jokes, but by appreciating the glory of flowers in full bloom, the vibrance of a sunset, the dusting of birdsong throughout the day and the chittering orchestra of insects at night. Stargazing, camping, hiking, loving and celebrating creative acts of all kinds harness this season’s inherent radiance.
“The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world’s joy.” — Henry Beecher
With every season, Chinese Medicine also cautions us to take special care during the summer. Especially during the blistering months, excess heat can lead to systemic imbalances. Hot, under-nourished, over-active mind/bodies can beget:
- Heart palpitations
- Flushed complexions
- Excess perspiration
- Irritability, anxiety, restlessness
- Insomnia
- Depression (not enough joy) or Mania (too much joy - yep! There’s such a thing)
- Rapid speech, aphasia, and stuttering - the heart opens to the tongue
So! What can we do to maximize this sunny season’s positive potential and mitigate the excesses that can cause literal burn-out, agitation, and physical dis-ease?
As quoted above, the Nei Jing suggests that we enjoy the sun, sweat, find joy, release fiery emotions like anger, rise early and retire late.
A smattering of Western Science thrown in for good measure: You probably already know that sunlight (UVB rays) help the skin produce Vitamin D3. Did you know that Vit D enhances cardiovascular health, decreasing chances of hypertension, heart disease, and stroke? Sunlight facilitates the body’s release of endorphins, which promote a sense of well-being. UVB rays help the body release anti-inflammatory compounds and increases arterial flow. Sunlight sets our circadian rhythms back on track, regulating sleep and wake cycles. Last but not least! The warm rays of the sun just feel soooo darn good, so get out there and soak up some rays! Be sure to apply sunscreen as needed and if you're feeling too hot, take a break, find some shade and/or head indoors.
With hot weather, it's easy to become parched and wiped out - yang quickly consumes yin. To circumvent this, stay hydrated and eat lighter, cooling foods to nourish yin, replenish body fluids, reduce toxins and clear heat. Drinking water throughout the day gets fancier (and cooler) with a few mint leaves, strawberries and/or cucumber slices. Small amounts of green tea can help clear heat from the organs, soothe heart fire, and calm the mind. This is in part because bitter flavors are known to drain and clear excess heat/fire. Bitter is the flavor associated with summer and bitter tasting foods on a hot day (i.e., dandelion, parsley, collard greens, mustard greens, arugula, kale, and celery) can go a long way to cool and vitalize the body.
“It’s watermelon weather | That summer kind of weather | When people get together and sing.” — G. Webster
Seasonal foods with inherent cooling properties like watermelon, lettuce and watercress also help to clear heat and replenish body fluids. Please note: Summer is the only time of year that this acupuncturist won’t poo-poo your penchant for cold and raw delights. Fresh fruit, salads, raw veggies and smoothies are all fair game - but, in moderation! Always. Chinese Medicine is all about balance. Sadly, that means ice-cream remains a less than optimal choice - sorry. And/but there are so many other delicious options . . . like fruits: cantaloupe, peaches, apricots, nectarines, grapes, tangerines, pears and tomatoes; and veggies, like cucumber, endive, spinach, watercress, leafy and salad greens, sprouts, asparagus, bok choy, burdock root, snow peas, summer squash; and other foods and herbs like yogurt, wheat, barley, fish, seafood; mint, dill, cilantro, chrysanthemum (makes a lovely tea). So many options! Also, for an easy electrolyte tonic, please see below.
As ancient Chinese treatises suggest, its best to rise with the sun, stay up later, and consider a mid-day rest. You may already feel drawn to lay down or take a break during the hottest hours of the day - do it! Naps are the best. You may also be called to wait till the sky and earth cool to enjoy a slow walk at night or to watch the heavens from a back porch - Yes! Also! Prioritize what makes you feel good - seek people, places, and activities that fill your heart and make you smile. Remain intentional about your self-care and healing - this is the perfect time to release or express whats on your heart. Let go grievances and resentments. Call in radiance, ease, nourishment and Love.
“Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair...”― susan polis schutz

Electrolyte Tonic
I adapted this recipe from a few others found online. Since every body is different, find your preferred blend. Potassium, magnesium, and calcium all play a role in muscle elasticity and motility. Nailing the mineral ratios can be tricky. If they're out of balance, muscles can cramp, so be careful in your experimentation. It’s important to keep these minerals together as found in nature, rather than in isolated doses. I did my best to mimic that here.
This particular Tonic replenishes many electrolytes AND minerals, so it’s a dash more complex than your average DIY electrolyte bev., but not terribly so!
8 oz Water (1 cup)
3/8 tsp Potassium Chloride
3/8 tsp Salt (Sea, pink, celtic etc)
1/2 tsp Calcium Carbonate
1/4 tsp of magnesium chloride or glycinate
A splash of natural, unsweetened fruit juice and/or natural sweetener to taste.
You can make this in bulk (e.g., 24 oz at a time) and sip throughout the day or make it in whatever size portions, as needed. As always, I’m not a scientist, medical doctor, or expert on rehydration, so research and find what works for you.
Many electrolyte recipes call for the juice (and pulp) of lime or lemon, which is great because it contains calcium, magnesium, potassium and high concentrations of vitamin C. However, it’s not ideal to sip citrus throughout the day because it’s hard on tooth enamel. Instead, perhaps opt for a short glass of water with a squeeze of lime or lemon and enjoy that as it’s own refresher. For an especially lovely summer treat, you can add coconut water, cucumber, pineapple, tangerine or watermelon juice - the possibilities are endless!
These offerings are not be construed as medical advice. Please take sweet care of yourselves and keep a look out for a Late Summer blog coming out in August - because Late Summer is a whole 'nother season in Chinese Medicine.
Loves xx